
Do Your Ads Break Through The Clutter?

Out of Home Media

All the world may be a stage, but it’s a crowded stage…a cluttered stage.

It’s no secret that in-home advertising is difficult, at best. Interruption media is ignored, fast forwarded and in many cases never connects with a consumer at any level. Reaching consumers becomes harder with every new technological advance.

Just recently, Apple announced plans to make it easier for consumers to block ads during searches through Safari. Consumers do not want to be interrupted during their search for information or any other content.
Interruption leads to disruption and consumers avoid disruptive media.

So what’s different about out of home behavior?

Out of home advertising influences consumers on the path to purchase more than any other medium. Specifically, out of home outperforms traditional media in reaching consumers within the same half-hour they consider purchases, decide on purchases and make purchases. Even more precise is that transit advertising reaches consumers closest to the point of purchase. Due to clutter and message bombardment, sometimes a decision is not made until the purchase point. Minds are changed in a last-in, first out behavior.


Brands connect to future buyers through the emotions. Yes, consumers will always want more information. But consumers prefer to PULL the information they want to read, rather than have endless words PUSHED in an interruptive manner.

The good news is, when a bus ad rolls past the eyes of a future buyer, an emotional connection can be made to influence a SEARCH on their mobile device. Out of home, media reaches almost 50 percent of online shoppers within 30 minutes of exposure to the message.

Add Coke to your Lunch. We added Zero

Better Coffee, Faster.

You deserve an Upgrade TODAY.

Reach the heart first. It beats faster out of home.

Don’t Be Forgotten

Why Frequency Matters

If you are a parent, you already know this answer.

I can still hear my mother bellow… “How many times do I have to tell you to take out the trash?” I believe every parent has asked the “how many times” question at least once along the way.

I also believe the question of “how many times” has been asked since the dawn of advertising. I hear the question every day.

How much frequency is enough?

My answer is not meant to be arrogant or snooty. But it’s the right answer:

Your message must be seen more times than any competing message…or until you have achieved dominance in market share.

As soon as your message is forgotten, your brand begins to fade in the mind of a customer. If a competitor is pounding messages with heavy frequency, and this is your month to not advertise, expect to see a deterioration in buying intentions and your market share.

Last in, First Out

Because of the clutter of messages, everywhere, about everything…advertising effectiveness depends heavily upon the recency of a message.

As the customer approaches a point of purchase, the last message into the mind of a customer, matters heavily. Certainly, brands accumulate preference and a tiny bit of loyalty, but the factors which build “intent to buy” are fleeting. Frequency is the best reminder.

Transit Builds Frequency and Recency

In most markets, and on most routes, an advertising message on one of our buses is seen thousands of times each day. We also like the fact that moving ads attract more attention.

Any attention near the cash register, is good attention! Keep your message moving and remember Mom.